back18 Aug 20232 min read
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Pyth Price Feeds Now Available on Scroll (Sepolia Testnet)

Today, we’re returning to the historical Greek roots of the Pyth Network. Pyth Price Feeds are now available on Scroll’s Sepolia testnet, a zkEVM built on top of Ethereum that enables native compatibility for existing Ethereum applications and tools.

The wider DeFi and Pyth community expressed continual interest for this integration. We’re pleased to finally break that announcement today. Smart contract developers can start building with Pyth’s 300+ price feeds for equities, ETFs, commodities, foreign exchange pairs, and digital assets on Scroll’s Sepolia testnet.


Scroll is an EVM-equivalent zkRollup to scale Ethereum by utilizing ZK technology to enable faster, more efficient transactions. The core piece that Scroll is built upon is the zkEVM, which is used to prove the correctness of EVM execution in Layer 2. Scroll aims to provide the best experience for developers and users. You can learn more about Scroll from their website and documentation.


The Pyth Network is the largest first-party financial oracle network delivering real-time market data to over 30 blockchains securely and transparently.

The network comprises some of the world’s largest exchanges, market makers, and financial services providers publishing their proprietary price data on-chain for aggregation and distribution to smart contract applications.

In less than a year, the network secured more than $2.0B in total value. Pyth has facilitated more than $50B in trading volume and received over 1M client downloads from passionate developers. Pyth supports 300+ low-latency price feeds across digital assets, equities, ETFs, forex pairs, and commodities. You can learn more about Pyth from the website or documentation.

What’s Next?

Developers can explore the resources below to get started. If you have any questions, please reach out on our community channels.

Now that Pyth has officially joined the Scroll community, you can look forward to more Scroll applications becoming #PoweredByPyth. You can explore our catalog of low-latency price feeds on our website and discover which price feeds are in the pipeline. If you would like to request a new data feed, please let us know in our Discord.


We can’t wait to hear what you think! You can join the Pyth Discord and Telegram, follow us on Twitter, and be the first to hear about what’s new in the Pyth ecosystem through our newsletter. You can also learn more about Pyth here.

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