back02 Aug 20241 min read
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New Pyth Data Provider: Factomind Technologies

Today, the Pyth Network welcomes Factomind Technologies, a market specialist with expertise in both traditional finance and cryptocurrency, to the data provider community.

Factomind will contribute data for cryptocurrencies to support Pyth’s mission of delivering reliable, real-time asset prices to smart contract developers on every blockchain.

Factomind strongly believes the infrastructure provided by the Pyth Network aligns well with its vision and will play an instrumental role in unleashing the possibilities of Web3.

"We possess in-depth knowledge and understanding of both the traditional financial market and the Web3 industry. By leveraging and expanding our knowledge base into the Web3 world, we aim to utilize Pyth Network's top-tier infrastructure to reduce market inefficiencies and drive mass adoption of blockchain technology" — Andy Lee, CEO of Factomind Technologies Inc.

Who is Factomind?

  • Factomind’s mission is to support the digitalization of the world through Web3 technology.
  • The company aims to contribute to the depth, accuracy, and maturity of the onchain financial market.
  • As a market specialist, Factomind provides various data feeds originating from both the Web3 and traditional realms, including but not limited to FX, commodity, equity, and cryptocurrency prices.

The ecosystem looks forward to joining forces with more institutional and decentralized data partners to help build the digital data marketplace that Web3 needs—a marketplace for institutional-grade, high-fidelity financial data, made accessible for any application on any blockchain.

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