back21 Aug 20242 min read
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Pyth Price Feeds Launch on Kinto

Pyth Network is partnering with Kinto for the deployment of Pyth Price Feeds, which will provide smart contract developers in the Kinto ecosystem with continual access to first-party financial data.

Kinto is an L2 focused on providing safe access to on-chain finance. It's built on top of the Ethereum network using the Arbitrum Nitro Stack, and it's non-custodial, transparent, permissionless, and governed by the community. The launch of over 500 real-time price feeds across major asset classes paves the way for next-gen DeFi on Kinto comparable to the performance seen in the Web2 spheres.

“Kinto was looking for modern, reliable and well maintained price feeds. The team at Pyth outshined the alternatives in speed, proactivity and flexibility” — Ramon Recuero, CEO


At the core of Kinto's innovation is its built-in KYC, AML, and fraud monitoring, ensuring that only verified participants engage in transactions. Additionally, Kinto’s seamless smart contract wallet offers users a secure, non-custodial experience without the need for complicated extensions or seed phrases.

Kinto’s enhanced security has enabled it to become the first L2 able to offer network-wide wallet insurance against smart contract hacks by default. It offers a range of the best assets from both DeFi and TradFi that can be accessed from the comfort of a user’s Kinto wallet.

For more information about Kinto, please visit their website and documentation.


The Pyth Network is a first-party financial data oracle network that delivers low-latency price data for various assets to blockchains securely.

Pyth incentivizes some of the world’s largest exchanges, market makers, and trading firms to contribute their proprietary data to the network. Pyth aggregates their price data on-chain for smart contracts to use. Decentralized applications can request or pull Pyth price updates on-chain when needed.

In a little over a year, Pyth is already securing over $8B in TVL and is used by 390+ applications. Pyth supports over 500 real-time data feeds across crypto, equities, ETFs, FX pairs, and commodities, and has facilitated more than $700B in total trading volume across 70+ blockchain ecosystems.

For more information about Pyth, please visit the website or documentation.

What’s Next?

Pyth Network and Kinto are joining forces to support smart contract developers in building the future of finance. You can check out the resources below to get started.

Developers can explore the price feeds available and discover which data feeds are in the pipeline. If you would like to request a new price feed, please reach out to the community in Discord.


We want to hear your feedback. Join the Pyth Discord and Telegram, and follow Pyth on X and LinkedIn. You can also learn more about Pyth here.

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