back18 Oct 20232 min read
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Pyth Price Feeds Launch on Manta Network

The contributors of the Pyth Network have been advocates of zero-knowledge (ZK) technology and its potential for Web3 since day one. That's why we're thrilled to announce that Pyth Price Feeds are now accessible on the Manta Network, a multi-modular ecosystem designed for ZK applications.

Smart contract developers on Manta can now access over 350 low-latency price feeds for equities, commodities, foreign exchange pairs, and cryptocurrencies. The #PoweredByPyth ecosystem invites onboard RealPerp, an upcoming decentralized perpetual protocol, as the first Manta-native user of Pyth PRice Feeds.

“The Pyth integration marks an exciting development for Manta Pacific. We are excited to introduce a source of accurate, high-frequency data and look forward to the many new use cases that it unlocks within the ecosystem,” said Kenny Li, co-founder, Manta Network.

“We’re excited to see the Pyth Network and its ever-growing suite of Price Feeds becoming permissionlessly available to all on the Manta Network — over the past year, zk solutions have been steadily growing in adoption and enabling DeFi to happen there is of first order,” said Marc Tillement, Director, Pyth Data Association. “As a leading oracle network on various Ethereum L2s and zk-chains, we look forward to seeing developers on Manta grasp the opportunity to be #PoweredByPyth and build the future of finance on-chain.”

Manta Network

Manta Network is the multi-modular ecosystem for AK applications. Manta Atlantic, the fastest ZK L1 chain, brings programmable identities and credentials to web3 through zkSBTs. Manta Pacific, the unique L2 ecosystem for EVM-native ZK applications, provides a scalable and inexpensive gas-fee environment for ZK applications to deploy simply using Solidity.

Together, Manta Atlantic and Manta Pacific deliver an unparalleled experience for the next generation of Web3 application development and adoption with the applied usage of zero-knowledge cryptography. For more information, please visit their website.

Pyth Network

The Pyth Network is the largest first-party financial oracle network, delivering real-time market data to over 35 blockchains securely and transparently.

The network comprises some of the world’s largest exchanges, market makers, and financial services providers publishing their proprietary price data on-chain for aggregation and distribution to smart contract applications.

In less than a year, the network secured more than $2.0B in total value. Pyth has facilitated over $70B in trading volume and received over 1M client downloads from passionate developers. Pyth supports 350+ low-latency price feeds across digital assets, equities, ETFs, forex pairs, and commodities. You can learn more about Pyth from the website or documentation.

What’s Next?

Developers can check out the resources below to get started. If you have any inquiries, please reach out on our socials.

Now that Pyth has officially joined the Manta Network, readers can look forward to the launch of more Manta-native token feeds and applications secured by Pyth data. You can find our price feed catalog on our website and discover which feeds are in the pipeline. If you would like to request a new data feed, you can reach out in our Discord.


We can’t wait to hear what you think! You can join the Pyth Discord and Telegram, follow us on X. You can also learn more about Pyth here.

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